Around 2018 we realised that our farm was not responding to the traditional farming practices carried out on the New England Tablelands. Our paddocks were not responding to spraying out, planting the New England pasture mix and applying fertilizer. We started to investigate a different approach to improving the health of our soil and animals. We attended a number of field days, have undertaken online courses and endeavoured to increase our knowledge of soil health.
We now practice pasture cropping with multi species cover crops using minimal soil disturbance, little to no fertilizer and no pesticide. We use a weed wiper with minimal chemical to remove pin rush and use our cattle and bale grazing to reduce blady grass (Imperata cylindrica) and improve soil health.
In 2024 we moved away from sheep and now breed quality angus cattle for the breeder and feeder markets. Cattle help improve the soil with their excretions and with bale grazing and placing of mineral licks in poorer areas we are able to reduce unwanted grasses such as blady grass by trampling and soil improvement.
We are building our soil health and are encouraged by the improvement in our pastures each season.